“Chrissy Teigen and John Legend’s Son Miles Battles Type 1 Diabetes”

After some of her fans observed that the young child was wearing a glucose monitor on the back of his arm in a shot of him holding up signs at the Paris Olympics, Teigen then shared the news of her son’s diagnosis with her followers in an Instagram post that she published on Wednesday

Luna, Miles, and I were celebrating Simone (Biles) and team USA in a photo that I posted a few days ago. Many of you noted something that caught your attention that was a little bit unique about the photo. In the post, Teigen, who is 38 years old, written that “so many of you reached out to say the most beautiful and incredible words I have ever witnessed on this platform.” Miles had his arm raised, and a lot of people reached out to him.

You brought his type-1 diabetes monitor to his attention and showed him an incredible amount of love and encouragement in every way that was possible. Already, the generosity of this community has had a profound impact on me, and it continues to do so.

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The outpouring of love and affection that her fans and followers showed in response to her message left her feeling moved, and she was moved by the responses.

We were in the hospital a couple of weeks ago because our son Miles was suffering from a severe case of shigella, which is an intestinal infection that is caused by bacteria that are found in food or water. As a result of the fact that they attended the same camp, a significant number of his buddies were also afflicted with the illness. This is what Teigen wrote in her post.

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At that moment, the medical professionals observed something peculiar in the results of his blood test.
When it came to his blood tests, however, the doctors were aware that something else was off. Since then, I’ve gained the knowledge that this is the case for a significant number of young children who end up being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes after being taken to the hospital for any other reason. After conducting additional tests, we discovered that he is currently in the “honeymoon period” of a lifetime of T1. His first injection of insulin was administered to him last night, and now we are here. We are experiencing a new and distinct environment, and we are certainly gaining a great deal of knowledge on the go.

Towards the end of her article, she expressed her gratitude to everyone for their encouraging thoughts.
What she wrote was, “This post is to thank you so much for your kindness,” and she meant it. “Knowing that this is something that so many other people are going through and that he is not alone is a tremendous source of comfort for Miles.”